Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sexist language

Sexist language

"... and if I am elected, I guarantee you this: My administration will listen to the women!"

"Hey! You're using the women as a sentence's object!"

"You're objectifying us!"

"You male chauvinist pig!"


  1. I like your cartoons very much! Just a small point: In the sentence "My administration will listen to the women", the phrase "the women" is not an object. It is part of the PP "to the women", which functions as an adverbial (the same goes for the Spanish version of the cartoon). I guess these women are grammatically uneducated as well as being hard to plesase ;-)

    1. I object! You *might* make a case (dative?) for that, but the usual test for 'objectness' in English would be - in this particular case (i.e. accusative) - to test if there's a direct answer to the question 'to what will my administration listen?' and if there's a clear answer, such as 'the women', then you have your object right there.

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