"I'm going through a very bad luck streak lately. They lowered my salary. My car was stolen. My wife told me she wants a divorce. And today I bought a prepaid card for my cell phone, scratched it and got "better luck next time".
"Reason and experience indicate that one of the players holds the winning hand. You posit that I might not be that player, but it is equally true that I might be that player indeed, and if we stop and consider the attributes such a hand would ideally have..."
"Put your cards on the table already!"
"This is the last time ever we invite a theologian over to play."
"The evidence is there for everyone to see: photographs, witnesses, messages in the crops... How longer will our governments deny the obvious reality of alien visits? Why are they so afraid? What are they trying to hide?"
"The president is now shaking what, for lack of a better word, we'll call the 'hand' of the being. Ladies and gentlemen, we're witnessing a historical event: Humanity's first contact with..."
"Once again, our leaders seem to think we are idiots. Who could ever believe that advanced beings would travel countless light years just to see us poor primitives? What is the purpose of this farce? What are they trying to hide?"