"Literacy rates are at a historic low. More and more children are unschooled every year. This situation is not compatible with democracy, mister president!"
"I see."
"... therefore, I have appointed myself supreme dictator for life, as this regime is better suited to our educational system."
"He who has no material possessions longs for them. He who walks wants a car. He who rents dreams of owning his home. By surrounding myself with luxury and riches, I free my soul from those earthly preoccupations and can focus on my spiritual growth."
"Your astrological survey is ready, my dear! Venus tells me that you suffered from unrequited love when you were a young girl, but eventually you got over it. You're not totally happy with your job, but it gives you great satisfaction sometimes. You have some hidden talents many people know nothing abou—"
"Hey, you're telling me a lot of vague things that could be said of anyone. There's nothing specific about me!"
"Oh... Well... Well, how do you expect planets to be able to tell people apart from as far away as they are? Come on, my dear, let's be serious here!"
You can stop being held hostage by the food barons!
Did you know that food is a multi-billion industry for the benefit of a few people?
Did you know that it is these few people who keep in place the outdated materialistic paradigm of food as a mere bunch of proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates?
Did you know that it is in this poweful lobby’s interest that the world hunger problem is never solved to keep a market for their products?
Break the shackles! Try now the Alternative Foods of Doctor Randolph™!
The Alternative Foods* of Doctor Randolph** have been created to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the body, the mind and the spirit.
No fats! No cholesterol! No chemical preservatives!
* The Alternative Foods of Doctor Randolph must be in no way taken for a substitute for regular nourishment as they are meant only as a complement thereof. ** The word “doctor” is used for illustrative purposes only.
INDICATIONS Symptomatic treatment for cases of depression, existential anguish, crippling terror of death, despair, chronic amorality, extreme curiosity in children.
THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS According to dosage and form of administration: sedative, euphorizing, antidepressant, social cohesive, contraceptive.
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS Addiction, hallucinations, sloppy thinking, superiority complex, emotional hypersensitivity, bouts of rage, suicidal tendencies, loss of will, loss of personal identity, loss of assets.
CONTRAINDICATIONS Not recommended for psychiatric patients.