"Ha ha! I sailed West to the Indies and proved the scientific dogma wrong. I rule and you drool!"
"Not so fast, Columbus! We still have an ace up our sleeve to save face."
"... and for five centuries they have made people believe in an imaginary continent in the middle of the ocean. We are actually in China, and the China we were told about was made up by the media!"
"That has to be the third or fourth most ridiculous conspiracy theory I have ever heard."
"This is simply about calling things by their right name. To call something other than the union of a man and a woman 'marriage' flies in the face of reason."
"You mean it would be like calling someone with no children 'father'?"
"We inserted firefly genes in this plant in an effort to test new techniques that hold great hope for the future in that they might eventually, for example, help treat diseases that have no cure today."
"Scientist create glow-in-the-dark plant and say it cures cancer!"
"Both patients showed symptoms that homeopathic pharmacopeias recommend to treat with belladonna. Patient A was given the remedy in a dilution of one part in one novemdecillion. Patient B was given undiluted belladonna as control. Short afterward, patient A was in much better health as patient B. Therefore, the therapeutic efficacy of infinitesimal dilutions is a demonstrated fact."